This study is intended to evaluation the effect of banking regulation on the performance of the Nigeria banking system from 1999-2006. Since bank failure and distress may result in server monetary contraction and dislocation of the real economy making people to loss confidence in the banking system. This brings about supervision and regulation of banks in order to improve the performance of the banking industry The objective of undertaking this research therefore includes the following.To find out the necessarily to regulate banks To find out the necessity to regulation/ guidance on the operations and performance of the banking industry and to find out the feeling of bank personnel concerning there regulation. Primary and secondary sources of data were in writing this research work the methodology used is the chi-square model and the operative assumption used are degree of freedom given as (R-DCc-1) and level of significance is 5%.
Form the analysis the following awning other were the finding.Regulation of the banking system in Nigeria are desirable of the in that their implementation will sanitize the banking system and improve their performances in the long run secondary many of the old banks that are heavily burdened with bad and doubtful debts have begun to bear the effects in different degree of the implementation of this regulatory guideline.
Based on the findings the following among other were recommended. Government should embark on feature regulation and deregulation of the banking system. When necessary or distress this banking regulation/guideline should be backed with sanctions.
Background of the Study
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